Balanced Wellness

If you've followed my journey over the past couple of years, you may have noticed a consistent theme in my posts and verbiage: balanced wellness. After years of struggling with feelings of discontentment, a lack of fulfillment and of course some yo-yo diets & exercise regimens, I have done some major soul searching in the past few years and have come to a place of true, genuine, joy-filled balance. 

In my experience, a balanced life means not only accepting but embracing, the ebbs & flows of each season. Living a life of balance means that instead of striving for perfection in all areas of life (faith, health, family, work, name a few), we must accept and embrace that some areas require more attention while other areas will be able to survive with less, for however long that season may be! Balanced wellness is achieved not through scoring 100% in every category of life, but rather giving genuine TLC to the areas that need it. Do you know that through my commitment to this lifestyle, I have:

  • lost over 50 postpartum pounds

  • developed the confidence & skill to become a certified yoga teacher

  • learned how to better communicate with my people

  • greatly lessened the anxieties of parenthood

  • explored deeper connectedness in my faith

  • released approximately 1 million tons of self-put job pressure

... just to name a few successes! All of this accepting what areas needed extra attention and what areas could survived with less during a specific life season. 

I truly believe that the best way to achieve balance, is through relationship and support of others. I would not be where I am in my journey today if it were not for the support of my husband, health coach and inner circle of friends. 

Since becoming certified as a yoga teacher, I have slowly started offering classes online. As we move further into a season of digital engagement, I am excited to announce that those initial classes were only the beginning! I have been truly inspired by the connection that came from those first yoga classes and have felt a strong calling to take the next in my journey of engaging with others under the umbrella of balanced living. I am busting with excitement to share that there will be many yoga classes, yoga programs and other fun offerings to come in the near future... all from Mecan Payne | Balanced Wellness

I am so thankful for my connection with each of you and I look forward to continuing to walk this journey of life (all of its' crazy seasons!) with you. 

Image by: Corbin Payne Photography

Image by: Corbin Payne Photography


Update on the Journey