31 Years

I’ve been alive for 31 years, which simultaneously feels like an eternity and also the blink of an eye. I feel wise beyond my years while also feeling like I know, quite literally, nothing. My 30th year was hard, heavy and complicated but there were also many experiences of growth, health and wisdom. I could probably write a whole book about the past year of my life but since I have 3 littles, a full time job, side hustle jobs and am moving over the next 2 weeks – I’ll just stick to a list of the top lessons that I have learned over the past year and save the book writing for another decade in the future. 

1 - Protect your peace. I’ve learned that it’s okay to say no, to people, things, events and opportunities. My mantra for the past year has been “saying big yeses and hard no’s” when it comes to relationships, schedules, commitments and who/what I allow to rent space in my life, heart and mind. How can we possibly live a full life, if we don’t protect the peace of our heart, mind, body and spirit? This has been so hard but so fruitful for me.

2 - Don’t let fear freeze you. It’s scary to put yourself out there, in front of people, when you’re intimidated by public speaking but I’ve been doing it afraid. It’s only been 3 months into 2024 but I’ve already facilitated holistic wellness workshops and yoga classes for almost 200 people! I’ve learned a lot and have gained immense confidence from not being frozen by my fear.

3 - Surround yourself with people who will say your name in a room of possibilities. Find your people that see you and all you have to offer and invest in those relationships. It’s okay to not put as much stock into (or even to fully release) friendships that don’t encourage you to be the best version of yourself and it’s okay to lean into relationships and networks that elevate your gifts, skills, passions and potential.

4 - Life is so much more enjoyable when you laugh your way through it. In the chaos of little kids, familial health issues, adulting challenges, house buying difficulties and overall day to day experiences, laughing has provided me a great stress release and much more relaxed approach to the ups and downs of life. It’s also teaching our kids to laugh more and there’s nothing quite like baby laughter to fill your moment with joy.

5 - The yoga practice meets you right where you are. I recommitted to my yoga practice in my 30thyear and can say with absolute certainty that my practice has met me, right where I am in this prolonged season of uncertainty, growing pains and challenges. My current practice is less about flexibility and fun asanas and more about emotional release, prayer, breath and reconnection to my faith, my body and myself. My yoga mat has caught more tears in the past year than it has in my entire lifetime and what a true comfort and blessing that has been.

6 - It’s okay to learn as you go. I used to think that I had to be an expert in something before I speak to it or before I could own that role in my life. Parenthood has deeply humbled me over the past year and I am slowly releasing the self-put pressure to do things perfectly and to have all of the answers. Each day is filled with chaos, lessons, experiences and opportunities to learn, grown and evolve… also please reference number 4.

7 - Coaching can be a life changing modality. Not only have I experienced both personal and professional breakthroughs by working with coaches over the past year but coaching from a fellow student in a coach training actually led to me enrolling in my holistic health coaching program! Since enrolling, that program has dramatically impacted my approach to health, worldview of wellness and drive to serve others through the modalities of coaching and yoga.

8 - Put yourself out there. Earlier this year I attended a yoga teacher event all by myself. I knew a couple of the leaders but registered, traveled to/from and attended the event solo. It was a life changing weekend for me where I was able to gain immense knowledge and insight, ask (myself & others) hard questions, grieve what was, discover what is and dream about what is to come. I met incredible women who spoke the encouragement, community and love of Jesus into not just my current season but into my life, my spirit, my family and my ministry. Oh what a sweet reward for putting myself out there and doing something out of my comfort zone!

There is so much more that I could say about the lessons, growing pains and experiences of the last year but in all honesty, I’m still processing a lot of it. It’s been a hard, heavy, challenging year and I would be lying if I said I was sad to see 30 go… but I can feel the growth, evolution, health, joy, laughter and peace brewing for 31. Cheers to another year of learning, growing, exploring and continuing to live into my purpose to effect change, share love and journey alongside others.


What happened in the waiting